Download for free EasyFix PRO

We are pleased to present EasyFix PRO, a new version of Rawlplug’s calculation program.

Known and appreciated by fixings professionals application EasyFix was upgraded to the PRO version. Now lets you design mounting base plate, estimated consumption of resin and has special modules for the calculation of mounting balustrades and flat roofs. In the near future calculation modules for masonry, facades and rebars will be available. Improved interface of the program is easier to operate, and new features allow for a wider range of calculations and convenient refilling or preview the data.

Explore new features

For the PRO version of Easy Fix has developed a number of new features that streamline and accelerate fixings designing using Rawlplug products.

They included:

•    Capability calculations of bonded and mechanical anchors mounted in concrete substrate
•    Several shapes of fixture
•    Wide range of fixings position in the fixture
•    Possibility to select proper fixings to the several types of masonry
•    Provide for wind actions depend on building position
•    Choice of characteristic or design load for inputted loads
•    Possibility to percentage utilization preview of fixings group or single load of particular anchors
•    Results filer by group of fixings, material, diameter or type
•    Possibility to make the calculations in specific applications

Download for free

Easy Fix Pro is available free of charge – to download register as a user of the programme on The new program’s website contains also detailed information about changes in last versions of Easy Fix and contacts to the Rawlplug’s Technical Advisors.

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